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Institute of Orthopaedics and Plastic Surgery National Orthopaedic Hospital Enugu in affiliation with Abia State University, Uturu
The Institute of Orthopaedics and Plastic Surgery (IOPS) National Orthopaedic Hospital Enugu (NOHE) in affiliation with Abia State University, Uturu(ABSU) was established on the 17th of December 2021 following a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two heads of the Institutions. The Institute will deepen the mandate of the hospital in areas of training and research in Orthopaedics and Trauma, Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Musculoskeletal radiology, Anaesthesia, Pathology and Rehabilitation with a view to producing well balanced academics involved in cutting edge research and clinicians that render world class services. The Institute offers M.Sc. and PhD programmes which can run alone, or concurrently with the junior residency and senior residency training of NOHE institution respectively. The candidates shall be drawn from the resident doctors of NOHE and ABSUTH and any other interested resident doctor or fellow in the relevant faculties.

Vision and mission statement
To provide contemporary training in research, policy, theory, and practice relevant to orthopaedics and trauma; burns, plastic and reconstructive surgery

Course Options
M.Sc Orthopaedics and Traumatology
M.Sc Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Ph.D Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Ph.D Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Entry requirement
M.Sc: MB, BS; NYSC discharge/exemption certificate; primary fellowship in surgery; enrolment into junior residency of the relevant specialty is an advantage. Equivalent degrees for international students

Ph.D: Part one fellowship (membership) of NPMC or WACS in relevant specialty; M.Sc in Orthopaedics or Plastic Surgery. Equivalent degrees for international students
Ph.D for fellows: Part two fellowship in Orthopaedics or Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Modules for M.Sc in Orthopaedics (3 years)
This module covers basic sciences, pathology and management covering all Orthopaedic subspecialties and trauma, orthopaedic infections, prosthesis and Orthosis use. It will introduce you to basic principles of research design, biostatistics and ethics in researchApplied orthopaedic radiology, patient safety and dissertations are inclusive in this 3-year part time program.The program will enhance clinical practice in Orthopaedic and trauma conditions, research and writing skills, personal confidence and excellent academic progress.

Module for Ph.D in orthopaedics (4 years)
This module covers 3 Seminar presentation in subspecialty of interest, Research Methodology, Health Resource Management and a dissertation produced based on original research that clearly contributes to the body of knowledge in the various subspecialties of orthopaedics and traumatology.
Module for M.Sc in Plastic surgery (3 years)
This module covers basic sciences and congenital anomalies as regards Plastic surgery, core Plastic surgery pathologies and management, Burns, Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgeries, basic principles of research design, biostatistics and ethics in research. Applied radiology, patient safety and dissertations are inclusive in this 3-year part time program. The program will enhance clinical practice in Plastic Surgery, research and writing skills, personal confidence and excellent academic progress.
Module for Ph.D in Plastic surgery (4 years)
This module covers 3 Seminar presentation in subspecialty of interest, Research Methodology, Health Resource Management and a dissertation produced based on original research that clearly contributes to the body of knowledge in the various subspecialties of Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Module for Ph.D for Fellows in Orthopaedics and Fellows in Plastic surgery (3 years)
Dissertation Based on Original Research in specialty field

Teaching Methods
This will include online lectures and presentations, face-to-face teaching, seminars, research group discussions

Enquiries and Contacts
Director, Institute of Orthopaedics and Plastic Surgery (IOPS): 08035001565
Administrative officer IOPS:07039646198


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